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IT12 Extensions Effecting Provisional Tax Status

Based on if an individual is a provisional taxpayer the extension date set by SARS is as follows:-
The problem is that SARS sets the extension date according to the latest assessment and in many instances when its too late after the first extension date as the practice believes because at the time of filing the P2 provisional tax return the taxpayer is a provisional taxpayer and files the return at the 2nd extension date when it should have been been the first date. Owing to this the taxpayer is penalised for filing the return late.
In order to alleviate this we have added features to determine the provisional tax status based on the last assessment.
From the function wheel please select Update Provisional Indicator and let the process run.
Once the above process is completed select the export to a spreadsheet and make the necessary changes on the system.
10 December 2023