Assessment management is crucial to managing your tax practice. The best way to manage the assessment process is as follows;-
Export the assessment list making use of the filters. These are the steps to export the list.
On the assessment screen we have added new filters.
These filters will filter on the latest assessment based on a refund or amount payable.
It will not take into account any receipts or refunds captured.
These filters will filter on the latest assessment based on a refund or amount payable.
It will take into account any receipts or refunds captured and will not have any assessments that have a zero outstanding. At this stage we are not getting the data for refunds and payments, so they must be captured manually.
When on the list view of the assessment there are also now new columns that will show the receipt\refund total captured and any amount still outstanding.
In order to reduce the list of outstanding assessments, a refund or receipt needs to be captured.